Sunday, February 10, 2013

Heart Week..... Love Machine 2013

Heart week is a time to show some love. For all the people who do not have a lover, you still have lots of fun. This week many students will recieve chocolate, flowers, and sing o grams from someone special. For all the people looking for a sing o gram to buy, buy Rhythum of Love because it is amazing....... and I am in that group. You will thank me later.

 Love is a wonderful yet complicated thing. It requires work at times and sometimes no work. True love is genuine. It is pure. It is loyal. It is beautiful. Love is the virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.

Now, we are a little young to really experience true love, but soon the opportunity will be there. Throughout heart week love will fill the air. As you look at the hearts hung around the school, remember the true meaning of love. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome back!

Hello again! I know I have not blogged in a while and I apologize. It feels good to be writing again. I have to admit, I feel extremely dumb without AP Comp. No more in depth analyzing, revision essays, or blog presentations! I have history in place of this class now and every time I see a paragraph I want to analyze it until it dies but all I have to do is read for content and, summarize. What? What happened to "if you summarize you fail- Cardona ?" It has been weird not having this class. But it is a mental break. I miss bagels and coffe. That was yummy. I'm sure I can make that tradition start in one of my classes. Not having a class with 16 people is sad. I feel surrounded by too many bodies and most of all, I do not know each one very well or feel comfortable being crazy. I can do it in front of small crowds. As you can see, I miss this class a lot. Some little things that now drive me crazy because of this class:
1) More than one exclamation point. Literally everyone does it when texting me. STOP OR SOMEONE GETS HURT.
2) Caps lock to show excitement about something when chatting on facebook or texting. You are dumb. Should've learned what it is actually used to do.
3) Structured five paragraph essays. "Now class, this is the intro then you have to have your three main points and argue then support then repeat." KILL ME.
4) ?! Just dont do it
5) Other teachers rubrics. They are horrible. Where is the humor? You all understand Cardona's rubrics.  If you are not Cardona, everything you do lacks a little in humor and really, intelligence.
5) Debates. Ever heard of a logical fallacy?

I'm calm. Really. Just wanted to share some lasting affects of comp. Dont worry Cardona. I really loved this class.

AP Comp Probs

Monday, January 21, 2013

Half the Sky

For this terms BLA project, my group choose the book Half the Sky by Nicholas Kristof. We gathered to watch a documentary on it and discuss it. The documentary restated all the things the book said, but really showed the feelings of the women. Half the Sky is a book about women's rights and gives stories of girls sold into sex slavery. It contains pictures that are very graphic and stories that are very disturbing. In short, the book is very deep. Same goes for the documentary we watched. The set-up of the documentary was that Nicholas Kristof (one of the authors of Half the Sky) took various celebrities to some of the countries in Africa and Asia that are the worst in terms of sex trafficking, forced prostitution, rape, and unequal schooling for girls. My group thought that it was a bit ironic that the women traveling to these countries were American celebrities, with the only true thing in common between them and the suffering children they would meet being their gender. However, I think it was a good idea to bring the celebrity's because they were able to see what goes on outside of Hollywood and their famous lives. It was a humbling and eye opening experience for them. The celebrities he took were very moved and responded well to the sights they were seeing. 

Nicholas took the celebrities to Cambodia, Sierra Leone, and Vietnam. In each country he explored different issues including sex slavery, gender - based violence, and education. In our groups discussion, we thoroughly discussed each of these issues. We discussed how brave each girl was for going through sex slavery and getting abused. Some girls were as young as three when they were either sold or raped. It is absurd to think that that young of a child would experience things like that. The way the girls handled themselves after these things happened to them was very inspiring. They were all very positive, loving, and willing. Our group thought that it was amazing how good the attitudes of each girl was. We also discussed how education for a girl is very important. The documentary kept repeating: " When you educate a girl you educate the world." We all agreed. A girl is the stabilizer of the house. They take care of everyone and everything and make sure the work is done when it needs to be. They apply their knowledge and use it to do great things. Go girls!

I personally enjoyed the book and the documentary. I would recommend it to everyone.  My eyes were opened and my heart was humbled. To know that someone is getting raped or sold right now is a hard thing to be aware of. I was able to learn more about what issues are happening around the world. This book moved me and inspired me to do great things. I want to do something with myself. Sure, I can donate to a charity, but I want to change a persons life right in front of them. Be the difference in their life. I want to set up an organization that will benefit millions of people. Just like the girls in the book, I want to be brave. 

This book was absolutely amazing. Be thankful for what you have and who you are. Always believe. Never quit. Strive for more.

Saturday, January 19, 2013


As I was doing the blog study project, I came across a post about finals. Since my blog is quite humorous, I figured I should share the post with you.

Please enjoy.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Why did you even write this?

I wrote this essay because I have a strong belief in my religion, Orthodoxy, and I wanted to share what beliefs I believe to be true by sharing an experience I had at a youth group called Youth Alive. I wanted  to talk about how this experience made me more knowledgeable in Orthodoxy and how Orthodoxy's beliefs set me on the correct path.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

"Haha, thats hilarious!"

Some people understand how to be funny and some really do not. We all know people who make it awkward because they just cant tell the right joke, and someitmes, it is us. This is a video that I find quite amusing. It has a very strong argument and really gets it's message across. Enjoy.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

Pet Peeves

Why can't people just listen? Especially when you are trying to talk to them. When I try to talk to my sisters they are always on their phones. I ask them a simple question and it takes them a year to respond. "Hello? Hello? Dena are you alive?" This is what I try to say calmly as she sits engulfed in the world of technology. Not listening is very selfish. It shows that you do not care about the person that is talking to you because you think you are more important. Well, this is what very annoys me. Out of everthing that someone could possibly do wrong, I dislike very much when people do not listen to me. Here is a time that really made me mad. I was trying to talk to Maria, my other sister, about something very important. I spent about five minutes explaining the situation than asked her what she thought and she did not answer me for two minutes. It fely like a decade! I got very upset with her. This has happened multiple times and I habe lost my cool every time. That was my mini rant. People, JUST LISTEN.