Sunday, February 10, 2013

Heart Week..... Love Machine 2013

Heart week is a time to show some love. For all the people who do not have a lover, you still have lots of fun. This week many students will recieve chocolate, flowers, and sing o grams from someone special. For all the people looking for a sing o gram to buy, buy Rhythum of Love because it is amazing....... and I am in that group. You will thank me later.

 Love is a wonderful yet complicated thing. It requires work at times and sometimes no work. True love is genuine. It is pure. It is loyal. It is beautiful. Love is the virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion, and affection.

Now, we are a little young to really experience true love, but soon the opportunity will be there. Throughout heart week love will fill the air. As you look at the hearts hung around the school, remember the true meaning of love. 

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Welcome back!

Hello again! I know I have not blogged in a while and I apologize. It feels good to be writing again. I have to admit, I feel extremely dumb without AP Comp. No more in depth analyzing, revision essays, or blog presentations! I have history in place of this class now and every time I see a paragraph I want to analyze it until it dies but all I have to do is read for content and, summarize. What? What happened to "if you summarize you fail- Cardona ?" It has been weird not having this class. But it is a mental break. I miss bagels and coffe. That was yummy. I'm sure I can make that tradition start in one of my classes. Not having a class with 16 people is sad. I feel surrounded by too many bodies and most of all, I do not know each one very well or feel comfortable being crazy. I can do it in front of small crowds. As you can see, I miss this class a lot. Some little things that now drive me crazy because of this class:
1) More than one exclamation point. Literally everyone does it when texting me. STOP OR SOMEONE GETS HURT.
2) Caps lock to show excitement about something when chatting on facebook or texting. You are dumb. Should've learned what it is actually used to do.
3) Structured five paragraph essays. "Now class, this is the intro then you have to have your three main points and argue then support then repeat." KILL ME.
4) ?! Just dont do it
5) Other teachers rubrics. They are horrible. Where is the humor? You all understand Cardona's rubrics.  If you are not Cardona, everything you do lacks a little in humor and really, intelligence.
5) Debates. Ever heard of a logical fallacy?

I'm calm. Really. Just wanted to share some lasting affects of comp. Dont worry Cardona. I really loved this class.

AP Comp Probs