Sunday, December 9, 2012


Narration- Home. I have many places I call home. This is because most of where I go with my family brings great joy to me. When I was eight I lived in Golden Valley with my two sisters and my Mom. My parents had just gotten a divorce so my Dad did not live with us. In the backyard of this house was a swingset my Dad had built for my sisters and I. We played many games on it. I really miss that swingset now because it reminded me of that house. It was a very cozy house with four bedrooms and a big kitchen. The hallway to my bedroom was long and the house was very friendly and inviting with its quiet atmosphere and soft colors painted on the walls. Home to me was this house. It brought me peace and joy. 

Description- Peace. Joy. Comfort. Sitting quietly by the fire and sipping hot cocoa with the family. All the children are listening to their Dad read them their favorite story before they go to bed. Dad slowly makes his way to the kitchen to grab the whipped cream out of the fridge for everyones hot chocolate. Mom asks the children about their day in school and their plans for tomorrow. They reply that they are going to ride their bikes to their friends house and have a play date with them. Dad returns from the kitchen with the whipped cream, sprays some into everyones glasses, then continues to read bedtime stories until the children are all soundly sleeping by the fire. 

Example- I cannot count how many times I have been to Disney World. Around 18 I think. You would think that I would be tired of it by now but I am nowhere near that. I feel like a little kid as soon as I step off of the plane to go to my hotel. "I am in Disney World!" I think with excitement. This may sound cheesy  but Disney World is so magical. All the characters running around greeting people with warm smiles and laughter, all the glimmering lights and thrilling attractions, send you into a magical place. Joy and happiness overtakes me every time I visit Disney. The wonderful feeling of laughing, singing and dancing is like home to me. I wish I could live in Cinderella's castle. That would really be home.

Compare/Contrast- What is home not? A place with no love. An empty, dark place that makes you feel alone and afraid. Afraid of what? Anything and everything. Home is not a place that has no hope. When times get tough, you need a place that provides comfort and a way out. Home is that place. It is where you can turn to feel that everything will be ok and you can make it through. It is a place where you can be yourself and not be ashamed of it. It is a place for freedom. What it is not is a place that closes you off from the world. Home provides the support and the strength to learn to be free. 

Process Analysis- You first need to build a home. This is done with many hours of building a structure that will hold the person/s inside. Before you start to build, you need a foundation. How big it is depends on the families preferences. The other important thing you need a a family or a person to stay in the home. Without a person inside, the structure is just a house. It lacks the qualities of a home. So make sure to have a human being that is willing to live there inside of it. The building process takes a while, so patient builders are also a necessity. In short, you need people that will build the home, materials to build the home, and a person who will live inside the home.

Division of analysis-  What are the parts of a home? The family or the person staying in is a big part. They determine the whole design of the home inside and out. They also make the house a home by bringing spirit to it and love to it by tending to it. The second part of a home is the love and care. When someone says that something is homey, they are feeling the warmth and love given off from the home. Without this, a home is just a structure that is waiting for some care. There are many parts to a home. What other ones can you think of?

Classification- Home can be classified as anything that brings you complete happiness, such as a place that makes you feel like you are a little kid again, or somewhere that brings back great memories. I guess you could say it is a food, but that is a little weird to think about. Whatever you want to call home     
 will do. Generally, it is a place that makes you feel like you are flying or you are on top of the world. It   should feel comforting and safe. It should make you feel loved and peaceful. 

Cause and effect- Home is caused by a want. This want comes from a person that desires a place to settle themselves down either by themselves or with another person. It is a want that is strong enough to drive a person to buy a place for lots of money and place all of their belongings in it. It is a want for comfort and love. The effect of this want is the actual house itself. When people want something, they usually find a way to get it. Thus, when a person wants a home, they buy one!

Definition- Home is a place for someone to stay. They place their belongings in this home and begin to form the inside of the home with their belongings. Home is where the heart is. This is a popular saying that means a persons heart can mostly be found in a home. Home is a place of happiness, peace, relaxation, and love. A person feels the warmth of a home through the love it gives off. A home is a peaceful place that provides support, love, and safety. 

Argument/Persuasion- Home is where the heart is. I believe this saying, but is it really true? Does everyones heart lie in their home? Or does it lie in their boyfriend that they have been dating for three years? Or is it in their favorite sport? Maybe they do not have a good home that provides love and support. Maybe it is a place of danger and anger. No ones home is the same, and no one person is the same. Depending on the person, home can be where the heart is or not.  

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